Nice essay! For about the last 40 years the people who then called themselves multiculturalists excoriated "dead white European males." This is part of a larger trend now called postmodernism. It divides the world into oppressors and oppressed based on tribal identities such as ethnicity, gender, and so forth. Interestingly, many thinkers on both the soft left and the soft right, who are united mainly by their opposition to censorship and cancel culture, agree about the evils of postmodernism. Stephen Hicks wrote a book on the history of postmodernism, although I have never read it. The basic idea is that when Marxism failed, the extreme left retooled class conflict into generic oppressor/oppressed conflict. I don't know how familiar you are with this pernicious ideology but given your interests it might be worthwhile to investigate it.

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Thank you for your response Kurt! I'm fairly familiar with post-modernism (and experienced much of it first hand while attending an arts school), but I haven't ever read an official treatment of it from a philosophical standpoint so I will definitely check out Hicks' work! Any other recommendations on the topic are welcome as well!

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I thought you might be familiar with PM, but one never knows. There is all sorts of stuff out there about the oppressor/oppressed narrative. I have nothing in particular to suggest. You could try Jordan Peterson, keeping in mind that he is crazy in his own way too. Anything negative about DEI probably discusses the PM narrative as well. Sorry I can't be of more help!

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You've been super helpful, Kurt! I appreciate your recommendations!

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